Assamese Films News: Latest News and Updates on Assamese Films at Fri, 20 Dec 2024 08:44:30 +0000 en-US hourly 1 32 32 163073109 শ্বুটিং ৰিপ’ৰ্ট/ উৎপল মেনা Fri, 20 Dec 2024 08:40:49 +0000 || জ্যোতি চিত্ৰবনত ৰূপকোঁৱৰৰ সপোন ||
পৰিচালক মঞ্জু বৰাৰ নিৰ্দেশত কেমেৰা চলাইছে পাৰ্থই। কেমেৰাৰ ফ্ৰেমত দুটা চৰিত্ৰ। বলোৰাম দাস আৰু এগৰাকী অভিনেত্ৰী। সম্ভৱত: অভিনেত্ৰী গৰাকীক লৈ পৰিচালকে মূল উপন্যাস খনত থকা মীৰা চৰিত্ৰটো নিৰ্মাণ কৰিছে।

শ্বুটিং ৰিপ'ৰ্ট/ উৎপল মেনা 4
অভিনেত্ৰী: সেইদিনা লক্ষ্মী ককাইদেরে কি কৈছিল ককাইদেউ?
বলোৰাম: মোক একো কোৱা নাই। দেউতাকহে কিবা কৈছিল হ’ব পায়?
অভিনেত্ৰী: তুমি পইছাৰ কথা চিন্তা কৰিছা নেকি?
বলোৰাম: পইছাৰ কথা চিন্তা নকৰা মানুহ পৃথিবীত কোন আছে?
অভিনেত্ৰী: পইছা জানো এনেয়ে খৰছ কৰিছা?
বলোৰাম: জানো! কিন্তু ককাইদেৱে যদি তেনেকৈ ভাবিছে মই কি কৰিম?…দেউতাই কি ক’লে?
অভিনেত্ৰী: মোক একো কোৱা নাই। মই জানো দেউতাই তোমাৰ কামত বাধা নিদিয়ে। যিমান টকাৰ দৰকাৰ তোমাক দিব।
বলোৰাম: ময়োতো তেনেকৈয়ে আশা কৰিছোঁ; কিন্তু সময়মতে যদি আৱশ্যকীয় টকা নেপাওঁ তেতিয়াহে বৰ বিপদ হ’ব।
অভিনেত্ৰী: একো বিপদ নহয়, তুমি চিন্তাই নকৰিবা, মোৰ বাইদেউৰে নাই বুলিলে চল্লিশ হাজাৰ টকাৰ অলঙ্কাৰ আছে। বাইদেৱে নিদিলেও মই সকলো বেচি দিম- যদি তোমাৰ দৰকাৰ হয়।

শ্বুটিং ৰিপ'ৰ্ট/ উৎপল মেনা 5
(সংলাপ আমাৰ কানত পৰা নাছিল। মনিটৰত চাই অনুভৱ কৰিছিলোঁ মূল উপন্যাসত থকা এই চোৱা কেমেৰাৰ স্থান সলাই সলাই কেমেৰাত ধৰি ৰাখিছে।)
কেমেৰাৰ স্থান আৰু সলনি কৰিলে। এই কেমেৰাৰ ফ্ৰেমলৈ আহিল আৰু তিনিটা চৰিত্ৰ। ছিলি আৰু ছেটৰ কাম কৰা দুটা চৰিত্ৰ। কলগছ ব্যৱহাৰ কৰি ছেট সজাত ব্যস্ত দুই চৰিত্ৰই। কাট কাটকৈ ফ্ল’ৰত পেলাই ৰখা কলগছতো কেমেৰা পেন কৰালে পৰিচালকে।
–বুজাত অসুবিধা নহ’ল জ্যোতিপ্ৰসাদ আগৰৱালাই “জয়মতী”ৰ বাবে ভোলাগুৰি চাহবাগিচাত সজাই লোৱা চিত্ৰবন ষ্টুডিঅ’ত কলগছ ব্যৱহাৰ কৰি যেনেদৰে ছেট সজাইছিল, ঠিক তেনেদৰেই কলা নিৰ্দেশক নুৰুদ্দিন আহমেদৰ হতুৱাই পৰিচালক মঞ্জু বৰাই ছেট ডিজাইন কৰাই, সজাই লৈছে “ৰূপতীৰ্থৰ যাত্ৰী”ৰ বাবে। সুন্দৰ ছেট, চকু ৰৈ যোৱা ছেট। আমাৰ ধাৰণাত সুপৰিকল্পিত প্ৰচাৰৰ সহায়ত এই ছেট সৌন্দৰ্যক “দৰ্শক”ৰ ওচৰলৈ নিব পাৰিলে চিনেমা খনে স্থানীয় বজাৰত সহায় পাব।
চিনেমা খনৰ লোকশ্বনত আন এটা দিন:
দুটা চৰিত্ৰ– ৰচনা আৰু মিৰিণ্ডা। “দুজনী বেলেগ ছোৱালী– ৰচনা আৰু মিৰিণ্ডা।” ৰচনা –জোতিৰ্ময়ৰ কাষত থাকিও দূৰত আছে। মিৰিণ্ডা– হেজাৰ মাইল দূৰত থাকিও জ্যোতিৰ্ময়ৰ অন্তৰৰ অতি কাষতে আছে। চৰিত্ৰ তিনিটা “ৰূপতীৰ্থৰ যাত্ৰী”ৰ, কথাশিল্পী ছৈয়দ আব্দুল মালিকৰ উপন্যাসৰ। হাজাৰ হাজাৰ পাঠকৰ চিনাকী, ছপা মাধ্যমৰ পৰা পাঠকৰ মন-মগজুত বিশেষ ইমেজত বন্দী হোৱা এই তিনিটা চৰিত্ৰ (লগতে উপন্যাস খনৰ আন চৰিত্ৰ) সাহিত্যৰ ভাষাৰে, কেমেৰাৰ ভাষাৰে নিৰ্মাণত ব্যস্ত দক্ষ পৰিচালক মঞ্জু বৰা। –হয়, উপন্যাস খনৰ আধাৰতে পৰিচালক গৰাকীয়ে চিত্ৰনাট্য ৰচনা কৰি চিনেমা আকাৰ দিয়াত ব্যস্ত হৈ আছে যোৱা ২৩ দিন ধৰি। যোৰহাট, কলকাতা, তাজপুৰৰ পাছত বৰ্তমান ব্যস্ত হৈ আছে জ্যোতি চিত্ৰবনত।
শ্বুটিং ৰিপ'ৰ্ট/ উৎপল মেনা 6
আজি (১ ডিচেম্বৰ ২০২৪) আমি দেখিলোঁ –জ্যোতি চিত্ৰবন ফিল্ম ষ্টুডিঅ’ত নুৰুদ্দিন আহমেদে সজোৱা ছেটত গীত চিত্ৰায়ণত ব্যস্ত, ফ্ৰেমত চোফীয়া আৰু বলোৰাম দাস।
“সোণৰে পালেঙতে অ’ মনেতৰা
ধুনীয়া কোঁৱৰৰ ঘুমটি নাহিলে
কপাহৰে তালিচা পৰা মনেতৰা।।…”
কৰিঅ’গ্ৰাফাৰক কামৰ স্বাধীনতা দিছে; কিন্তু এৰি দিয়া নাই, পৰিচালকে চিত্ৰায়ণৰ কাম নিজৰ মতে কৰাই লৈছে। পৰিচালকৰ ওচৰত বহি আমি মনিটৰত অনুভৱ কৰিলোঁ “ৰূপকোঁৱৰৰ সপোন”!
–অভিনয় শক্তি (powerful acting) -ৰ বাবে বলোৰামক চিত্ৰৰসিকে জানে! কিন্তু চোফিয়া?
–চোফিয়াক নজনাৰে কথা।
পৰৱৰ্তী শ্বটৰ বাবে অপেক্ষাত চোফীয়া। অকলে, নিৰৱে। হয়তো “চৰিত্ৰ” হৈ আছে!
–পৰিচালক মঞ্জু বৰাৰ পৰা জানিলো চোফীয়াৰ কথা। ইউক্ৰেইনৰ ছোৱালী। “ৰূপতীৰ্থ যাত্ৰী” অভিনয় কৰা প্ৰথম খন চিনেমা। নাটকত অভিনয় কৰা অভিজ্ঞতাও নাই। কিন্তু অনুভৱ কৰিলোঁ –পৰিচালকৰ, টিমৰ সৈতে professional actor-ৰ দৰে কাম কৰিছে। (পৰিচালকে চোফীয়াক আমাৰ সৈতে চিনাকী কৰি দিলে। নম্ৰ। ভদ্ৰ। চিনেমাত অভিনয় কৰাৰৰ অনুভৱ সুন্দৰ বুলি ক’লে।) মিৰিণ্ডাক নিৰ্মাণত পৰিচালকে বিছৰা ধৰণে পৰিশ্ৰম কৰিছে!
জোতিৰ্ময়ে (উপন্যাস খনৰ কাহিনীৰ গতিত) মিৰিণ্ডাক লগ পাইছিল ইটালিত। “সোণবৰণীয়া কেঁকোৰা মিহি চুলি, গভীৰ নীলা এযোৰ চকু, এযোৰ সৰু কোমল হাঁহিৰ ৰেখা লাগি থকা ওঁঠ, এটা অলপ চুটি কিন্তু গঢ়িত নাক– সেয়াই ১৯ বছৰীয়া মিৰিণ্ডা।” ঔপন্যাসিকৰ “কল্পনাৰ মিৰিণ্ডা”ৰ পৰা মঞ্জু বৰাই সাহিত্যৰ ভাষাৰে, কেমেৰাৰ ভাষাৰে নিৰ্মাণ কৰি থকা “মিৰিণ্ডা” কিমান ওচৰৰ, কিমান দূৰৰ– সেয়া সময়ত চিত্ৰৰসিকে পৰ্দাত দেখিব। কিন্তু আমাৰ এই ধাৰণা ভূল নহব– মিৰিণ্ডা হ’ৰ ৰূপালী গল্পটোৰ অলংকাৰ, সৌন্দৰ্য।
সন্দেহ নাই– ৰূপালী গল্পটোৰ মূল বিন্দু জোতিৰ্ময়। (চৰিত্ৰটো নিৰ্মাণ কৰি আছে বলোৰাম দাসক লৈ। সন্দেহ নাই এগৰাকী “নতুন বলোৰাম”ক অনুভৱ কৰিব দৰ্শকে।) হয়তো মূল বিন্দুটোক বহু খিনি আগবঢ়াই নিয়াত পৰিচালকে “মিৰিণ্ডা” বিন্দুটো ব্যৱহাৰ কৰিব!
–চিত্ৰগ্ৰহণ শেষ হোৱা নাই। বৰ্তমান চলি আছে মৰিগাঁৱৰ লোকেশ্বনত। চিনেমা খনৰ প্ৰযোজক ড৹ সঞ্জীৱ নাৰায়ণ, ডাঃ অক্ষতা নাৰায়ণ।

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EXCLUSIVE: Thrilling Reunion – Tabu Joins Akshay Kumar & Priyadarshan in Exciting New Bhooth Bangla Franchise! Thu, 19 Dec 2024 13:52:24 +0000 “Unleashing Laughter and Chills: Akshay Kumar & Priyadarshan’s Epic Reunion with Iconic Cast in ‘Bhooth Bangla'”

Akshay Kumar

Pinkvilla has broken the news that Akshay Kumar and director Priyadarshan are teaming up again after 13 years for the horror comedy “Bhooth Bangla.” Following this exciting update, it’s been revealed that Priyadarshan has brought on board the iconic comedic trio of Paresh Rawal, Rajpal Yadav, and Asrani to join the cast. Akshay Kumar will also have Wamiqa Gabbi playing alongside him as his romantic interest, and more prominent names are expected to be announced soon.

In an exclusive development, Pinkvilla has learned that Tabu will be playing a pivotal role in “Bhooth Bangla.” A source close to the project mentioned that Tabu is thrilled to collaborate with Akshay Kumar and Priyadarshan after their 2000 film “Hera Pheri.” She was drawn to her character and the film’s script, which cleverly blends horror, comedy, and Indian mythology. The source also hinted that the film’s cast is continuing to grow with renowned talents from the Indian film industry.

Akshay Kumar

“Bhooth Bangla,” slated as a major release for 2026, will feature an impressive ensemble cast, including Akshay Kumar, Tabu, Paresh Rawal, Wamiqa Gabbi, Rajpal Yadav, and Asrani. Filming is currently underway, with completion anticipated by April 2025. Given its genre, the film will incorporate a significant amount of visual effects to offer a fresh cinematic experience.

Furthermore, there are talks among Ekta Kapoor, Akshay Kumar, and Priyadarshan about turning “Bhooth Bangla” into a distinctive horror-comedy franchise. This is reminiscent of their earlier success with the genre, starting with “Bhool Bhulaiyaa” in 2007. Notably, any continuation of the franchise will require Akshay Kumar’s involvement, either as the lead or with his approval, as per his contract. The plan is to release a new installment every two years. “Bhooth Bangla” is set to premiere on April 2, 2026.

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Alia Bhatt’s Emotional Response to Ranbir Kapoor’s Alleged Snub at Raj Kapoor Film Festival: ‘They Don’t Understand…’ Thu, 19 Dec 2024 06:22:21 +0000 “Unbreakable Bond: Alia Bhatt’s Powerful Stand Against Trolls to Protect Ranbir Kapoor”

Alia Bhatt

In the lively world of Bollywood, power couple Alia Bhatt and Ranbir Kapoor are often in the spotlight, both adored by fans and scrutinized by critics. Recently, Alia Bhatt took a stand against online trolls targeting her husband Ranbir Kapoor with accusations of being a ‘misogynist’ and claims that he’s ‘not supportive enough.’ These narratives gained traction from a recently surfaced video which appeared to show Ranbir ignoring Alia at the 100th birth anniversary celebration of Raj Kapoor.

To counter these interpretations, Alia Bhatt expressed her support by engaging with an Instagram Reel defending Ranbir. The reel, titled “The Ranbir Kapoor they don’t post about,” compiles moments from the event, showcasing Ranbir’s attentive behavior towards Alia and his family members. The video challenges the negative stories by emphasizing, “The side of Ranbir that social media doesn’t show; they cut a 2-sec clip out of context and run a whole lot of negative PR with it. Meanwhile, this is the reality.”

Alia Bhatt

Riddhima Kapoor Sahni, Ranbir’s sister, also addressed the relentless trolling surrounding her brother and sister-in-law in an interview with Zoom. She dismissed the rumors, asserting that Alia and Ranbir are happily married, unbothered by public gossip. “They adore each other,” she stated, highlighting that the couple is focused on raising their daughter, Raha, describing them as “amazing parents.”

Riddhima went on to praise Alia, calling her “a great girl,” and lauded her warmth and generosity, saying that Alia’s actions are always heartfelt. She talked fondly about how well Alia has integrated into the Kapoor family, forging strong bonds with them.

This recent defense and mutual admiration reflect not only the love and trust within the Bhatt-Kapoor duo but also showcases a united front against attempts to misrepresent their relationship.

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Tragic Stampede at Pushpa 2 Premiere: Show Cause Notice Exposes 11 Shocking Lapses at Sandhya Theatre Wed, 18 Dec 2024 06:29:27 +0000 Catastrophe Unleashed: The Tragic Fallout of Negligence at Sandhya Theatre

Pushpa 2

The Hyderabad police have issued a show cause notice to Sandhya Theatre’s management over critical lapses leading to a tragic incident during the premiere of Telugu superstar Allu Arjun’s film, Pushpa 2. On December 4, a stampede-like situation at the theatre resulted in the death of a 35-year-old woman and left her eight-year-old son, Sritej, hospitalized, clinging to life.

The notice, dated December 12, outlines 11 lapses, chiefly the theatre’s failure to inform local authorities about Allu Arjun’s arrival that night. Additionally, there was an absence of adequate entry, exit, and seating arrangements despite anticipating large crowds. Crucially, proper signages were missing, and the unauthorized installation of large flexes only added to the chaos by attracting more fans. The lack of sufficient security at the main gates is also cited, highlighting the theatre’s inability to ensure a safe environment.

Pushpa 2

The police have demanded an explanation from the management within 10 days, failing which they might revoke the theatre’s Cinematograph License. The management faces grave repercussions as the investigation progresses.

The fallout extends beyond the theatre; Allu Arjun, his security team, and the theatre management are embroiled in legal troubles with charges under various sections of the Bharatiya Nyaya Sanhita. Arrests have been made, including Allu Arjun, who was later granted interim bail. Theatre personnel, including one owner, are also under custody.

Meanwhile, Sritej remains in the PICU, in need of extensive medical support. Hyderabad Police Commissioner CV Anand and Health Secretary Christina Z Chongthu have affirmed that the government will support his treatment costs. While his condition is stable, the path to recovery will be long and challenging. The officials have assured the family of the deceased woman that extensive measures will be undertaken to safeguard public well-being and avoid such incidents in the future.

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Discover the Extravagant Elegance of Amitabh Bachchan’s Rs 100 Cr Jalsa Living Room: Awe-Inspiring Chandeliers & Bold Bull Art Tue, 17 Dec 2024 14:07:03 +0000 “Unveiling the Opulent Legacy of Amitabh Bachchan: Inside Jalsa’s Iconic Splendor”

Amitabh Bachchan

Amitabh Bachchan’s luxurious residence, Jalsa, located in Mumbai’s Juhu neighborhood, is not just a home but an iconic landmark. The legendary actor lives here with his family, and although he maintains a protective stance over his personal space, he occasionally offers fans glimpses into his stunning abode. Jalsa, valued at approximately Rs 100 crore, boasts a magnificent living room that has intrigued fans and onlookers over the years.

Photos shared by the Bachchan family on social media have revealed the grandeur of the living room. It features a traditional yet elegant setup, adorned with large artworks. Among these is a notable painting of a bull, reportedly worth Rs 4 crore, as highlighted by GQ. The family has also opted for luxurious silver door frames, adding to the room’s opulence.

In a photograph posted by his daughter, Shweta Bachchan, another section of this sprawling living space is disclosed. The image shows a false ceiling embedded with lights, enhancing the room’s ambiance. The walls are decorated with numerous photographs, including cherished black-and-white images of Amitabh with his family, and snapshots capturing moments with friends and colleagues from the entertainment industry. Notably, a heartwarming picture featuring Amitabh with his children, Abhishek and Shweta, is also visible.

While the breathtaking interiors of Jalsa capture the imagination of many, Amitabh Bachchan continues to be active professionally. He is engaged with the popular television show “Kaun Banega Crorepati” and is set to star in upcoming projects like the “Kalki 2898 AD” sequel and “The Intern” alongside Deepika Padukone, although the latter is yet to begin production.

Jalsa is a testament to Amitabh Bachchan’s illustrious career and personal legacy, providing a glimpse into the life of one of India’s most beloved film icons.

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Naga Chaitanya’s Heartfelt Request to Sobhita Dhulipala: The Emotional Power of Telugu’s Unique Texture Tue, 17 Dec 2024 08:06:37 +0000 “Enchanting Union: Naga Chaitanya and Sobhita Dhulipala’s Heartfelt Celebration of Love and Heritage”

Naga Chaitanya

On December 4, actors Naga Chaitanya and Sobhita Dhulipala tied the knot at Annapurna Studios in Hyderabad, surrounded by close friends and family. The ceremony was a vibrant celebration of Telugu customs, with Sobhita adorning a gold Kanjivaram silk saree, resonating with her cultural heritage, while Chaitanya donned a traditional white ensemble. Following their union, they made their first public appearance as a couple at the Srisailam temple in Andhra Pradesh on December 6.

In a recent interview with The New York Times, Naga Chaitanya delved into the genesis of his relationship with Sobhita. Despite his birth in Hyderabad, Chaitanya’s upbringing took place over two decades in Chennai, where he became fluent in Tamil. Underlining the significance of Telugu in his life, he revealed that his mother tongue holds a special warmth for him. He shared, “In our industry, we encounter people from various linguistic backgrounds. But that sense of familiarity and comfort I found in Telugu resonated deeply with me, drawing me closer to Sobhita swiftly.”

Naga Chaitanya

Chaitanya expressed his desire for authenticity beyond the performative aspects often associated with acting careers, saying, “When something genuinely organic and real about a person emerges, I’m immediately attracted to it.” This authenticity, he hinted, played a pivotal role in how their relationship developed. Striving to better his command of Telugu, he humorously mentioned how he often requests Sobhita to converse with him in the language, aiming to improve his proficiency.

Chaitanya was previously married to actor Samantha Ruth Prabhu; however, they announced their separation via a mutual social media statement in October 2021.

Overall, the interview not only provides a glimpse into the personal lives of these beloved actors but also emphasizes the importance of cultural roots and heartfelt connections in shaping their relationship. The duo’s wedding and the honesty in their relationship highlight their journey toward a new chapter together.

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Stunning Surge: ‘Pushpa 2’ Box Office Soars 71% on Day 10 Amidst Allu Arjun Controversy, Skyrocketing Past Rs 820 Crore! Mon, 16 Dec 2024 07:57:11 +0000 Unstoppable Triumph: Pushpa 2 Shatters Box Office Records Amidst Drama

Allu Arjun

The Allu Arjun and Rashmika Mandanna-led film “Pushpa 2” is making waves with unprecedented box office earnings, capturing the audience’s attention across multiple languages. Since its release, the film has consistently drawn crowds, with an astonishing 71% surge in revenue on its second Saturday, day 10, following the arrest of Allu Arjun. Despite his brief detention related to a tragic incident at the film’s premiere, where a stampede resulted in a woman’s death, the film’s popularity seems unhindered.

Collecting Rs 62.3 crore on the aforementioned Saturday, “Pushpa 2” is proving to be a cinematic juggernaut. The Hindi version alone contributed Rs 46 crore, surpassing its Telugu counterpart with earnings of Rs 13 crore, marking a significant milestone unheard of before. Friday’s collection stood at Rs 36.5 crore, illustrating a dramatic, unprecedented growth in revenue.

Allu Arjun

With a total domestic collection of Rs 824 crore across all languages, as reported by Sacnilk, the film has outperformed lifetime collections of notable hits like “Jawan” and “RRR.” Notably, the Hindi version alone has amassed Rs 498 crore of this total, reflecting its widespread acceptance and appeal.

There remains strong anticipation for even higher box office results on Sunday, fueled by the ongoing buzz and public holiday. This overall excitement is further amplified by Rashmika Mandanna’s praises for Allu Arjun’s magnetic screen presence, endearingly dubbing him “Alpha Man Max.”

Despite the challenges surrounding its release, including the brief legal troubles of its lead actor, “Pushpa 2” continues to thrive, captivating audiences far and wide with its compelling narrative and dynamic performances. The film’s remarkable success is a testament to its widespread appeal and the extraordinary talent of its cast and crew.

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Shocking Twist: ‘Welcome’ Star Mushtaq Mohammad Khan’s Kidnapping Plot Unveiled—Shakti Kapoor Was Next in Line! Mon, 16 Dec 2024 05:54:17 +0000 Film Industry Abductions: Gang Arrested for Kidnapping Actors in UP

Shakti Kapoor

In a dramatic turn of events, four men have been arrested for the abduction of actor Mushtaq Mohammad Khan from Delhi airport. The gang, with a penchant for targeting film stars, held Khan hostage in Bijnor, Uttar Pradesh, demanding a hefty ransom for his release. The unsettling details emerged when Bijnor Superintendent of Police, Abhishek Jha, revealed their elaborate plan to kidnap actors under the guise of event invitations.

The initial scheme unfolded when Khan, renowned for his roles in “Hum Hain Rahi Pyaar Ke” and “Welcome,” accepted an invitation to an event in Meerut. Lured by an advance payment and an air ticket, he arrived in Delhi on November 20, only to be intercepted and forcibly taken to Bijnor. During his captivity, the kidnappers coerced Khan into providing his bank account credentials, using them to extract Rs 2.2 lakh during shopping sprees in Meerut and Muzaffarnagar.

Shakti Kapoor

The plot thickened when it was revealed that Shakti Kapoor, a veteran actor, was also on their target list. His invite, which included a Rs 5 lakh offer, was stalled due to unresolved negotiations. Police investigations are ongoing to uncover whether other film stars have fallen prey to this gang.

Arrests were made in the case, detaining Sarthak Chaudhary, Sabiuddin, Azim, and Shashank. Although Rs 1.04 lakh was recovered from them, efforts continue to track down Lavi, the mastermind orchestrating the kidnapping ring. In a related twist, Arjun, connected to the recent kidnapping of comedian Sunil Pal, was shot and injured by police after a daring escape attempt during his medical escort in Meerut. His capture provided insights into their modus operandi, bolstered by the recovery of an SUV and cash.

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Star-Studded Delight: Kareena Kapoor Khan, Saif Ali Khan, Anant Ambani, and Radhika Merchant Shine at Jeh Ali Khan’s Enchanting School Play [Watch] Sat, 14 Dec 2024 10:47:01 +0000 “Captivating Moments: Jeh Ali Khan Steals the Spotlight at Star-Studded School Event!”

Kareena Kapoor Khan

It’s always a delight to witness children thriving in their environment, particularly during school’s extracurricular activities. Often, star kids steal the spotlight with their charming antics in school plays. For example, Shah Rukh Khan and Gauri Khan’s son, AbRam, has previously gone viral for his captivating performances. Currently, all eyes are on Kareena Kapoor Khan and Saif Ali Khan’s younger son, Jeh Ali Khan.

Recently, little Jeh became the talk of the town with his performance at the annual day celebration of the Nita Mukesh Ambani Junior School in Mumbai. Jeh, who is already an internet sensation with his adorable pictures and videos, participated in a play along with Mukesh Ambani and Nita Ambani’s grandson, Prithvi Ambani. These budding stars captivated the audience with their talents.

The star-studded event was attended by Kareena Kapoor Khan and Saif Ali Khan, joined by notable guests such as Akash Ambani, Shloka Ambani, Anant Ambani, Radhika Merchant, and cricketer Hardik Pandya. A viral clip from the event showcases the children rehearsing for their act, drawing widespread attention and adoration on social media.

Kareena Kapoor Khan

On the professional front, Kareena Kapoor Khan has had a busy year with appearances in three films: “Crew,” “The Buckingham Murders,” and “Singham Again,” and is set to feature in Meghna Gulzar’s upcoming movie, tentatively titled “Daryaa.” Meanwhile, Saif Ali Khan was seen in “Devara: Part 1.”

In related news, the Kapoor family recently had a meet-and-greet session with the Prime Minister of India, Narendra Modi. Kareena and Saif, along with Karisma Kapoor, Ranbir Kapoor, Alia Bhatt, and Neetu Kapoor, graced the occasion, adding to the family’s illustrious legacy.

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बाडुंगडुप्पा कलाकेंद्र ने थिएटर इनोवेशन के 25 साल पूरे होने का जश्न मनाया-15 दिसंबर से ‘अंडर द साल ट्री’ का 15वां संस्करण Fri, 13 Dec 2024 11:15:33 +0000 गुवाहाटी; 12 दिसंबर, 2024: असम के गोवालपारा जिले के रामपुर में स्थित बाडुंगडुप्पा कलाकेंद्र ‘अंडर द साल ट्री’ थिएटर फेस्टिवल के 15वें संस्करण के साथ अपना रजत जयंती वर्ष मना रहा है। अपने पर्यावरण-अनुकूल लोकाचार और अंतरराष्ट्रीय ख्याति के लिए जाना जाने वाला यह महोत्सव 15 दिसंबर से 17 दिसंबर, 2024 तक आयोजित किया जाएगा।

बाडुंगडुप्पा कलाकेंद्र ने थिएटर इनोवेशन के 25 साल पूरे होने का जश्न मनाया-15 दिसंबर से ‘अंडर द साल ट्री’ का 15वां संस्करण 9
स्वर्गीय शुक्राचार्य राभा द्वारा 1998 में स्थापित, बाडुंगडुप्पा कलाकेंद्र कला और प्रकृति के सह-अस्तित्व में अग्रणी रहा है। साल वृक्षो के एक उपवन मे आयोजित यह फेस्टिवल अपने शून्य-कार्बन-फुटप्रिंट दृष्टिकोण के लिए जाना जाता है। बांस और पुआल की सीटिंग से लेकर माइक्रोफोन के बिना प्रदर्शन तक, इस आयोजन का हर पहलू स्थिरता के प्रति इसकी प्रतिबद्धता को दर्शाता है।

इस वर्ष, महोत्सव का विषय पुनरावलोकन और साझा यादों के इर्द-गिर्द घूमता है, क्योंकि बाडुंगडुप्पा रंगमंच के नवाचार और निरंतर प्रयोग के 25 वर्ष पूरे कर रहे हैं। प्रबंध निदेशक मदन राभा ने इस यात्रा के लिए आभार व्यक्त करते हुए कहा, “यह 25 साल की यात्रा चुनौतियों और जीत से भरी रही है। यह हमारे समर्थकों का प्यार और मार्गदर्शन है जिसने हमें आगे बढ़ने के लिए प्रेरित किया है। हम आपको इस यात्रा का जश्न मनाने के लिए हमारे साथ शामिल होने के लिए आमंत्रित करते हैं।”

बाडुंगडुप्पा कलाकेंद्र ने थिएटर इनोवेशन के 25 साल पूरे होने का जश्न मनाया-15 दिसंबर से ‘अंडर द साल ट्री’ का 15वां संस्करण 10
इस महोत्सव में चार अलग-अलग भाषाओं में नाटक दिखाए जाएंगे, जिसमें भारत के विभिन्न हिस्सों से थिएटर समूहों को आमंत्रित किया जाएगा। बाडुंगडुप्पा की यात्रा की यादों को ताज़ा करने के लिए एक विशेष सत्र की योजना बनाई गई है, जिसमें इस यात्रा का समर्थन करने वाली प्रमुख हस्तियाँ शामिल होंगी।

यह कार्यक्रम 15 दिसंबर को प्रसिद्ध चित्रकार रबीराम ब्रह्मा द्वारा उद्घाटन के साथ शुरू होगा, उसके बाद धनंजय राभा द्वारा निर्देशित और मदन राभा द्वारा लिखित ददन राजा (राभा) का प्रदर्शन होगा। दोपहर में, पाबित्र राभा द्वारा निर्देशित और दापोन द मिरर द्वारा प्रस्तुत मोंगली (बोडो) का मंचन किया जाएगा।

16 दिसंबर को चेन्नई के पर्च थिएटर के राजीव कृष्णन द्वारा निर्देशित तमिल नाटक किंधन चरितरम का मंचन किया जाएगा, उसके बाद कोलकाता के अनुचिंतन कला केंद्र के डॉ. गौरव दास द्वारा निर्देशित किशन राज (हिंदी) का मंचन किया जाएगा।

Under the Sal Tree

अंतिम दिन, 17 दिसंबर शुरू होगा राभा लोक प्रदर्शन के साथ और बाडुंगडुप्पा कलाकेंद्र की 25 साल की यात्रा पर विचार-विमर्श करने वाले एक खुले सत्र के साथ समाप्त होगा। प्रत्येक शाम के प्रदर्शन के बाद अलाव के चारों ओर चर्चा होगी, जिससे दर्शकों, कलाकारों और विद्वानों के बीच कलात्मक आदान-प्रदान को बढ़ावा मिलेगा।

यह उत्सव स्वर्गीय शुक्राचार्य राभा द्वारा शुरू की गई “हाइजीन थिएटर” की अग्रणी अवधारणा का भी स्मरण करता है, जो कला और स्थिरता को एकीकृत करता है। पिछले कुछ वर्षों में, इस उत्सव ने पूरे भारत और दक्षिण कोरिया, ब्राजील, पोलैंड, श्रीलंका और बांग्लादेश जैसे देशों के थिएटर समूहों का स्वागत किया है, जिससे वैश्विक मान्यता प्राप्त हुई है।

अपने रजत जयंती समारोह के हिस्से के रूप में, बाडुंगडुप्पा प्रकाशन अपनी उल्लेखनीय यात्रा का दस्तावेजीकरण करने वाले कई प्रकाशन जारी करने की तैयारी कर रहा है। असम सरकार के सांस्कृतिक मामलों के निदेशालय, आईओसीएल और बोंगाईगांव रिफाइनरी द्वारा समर्थित यह महोत्सव सांस्कृतिक विरासत को संरक्षित करने में कला की स्थायी शक्ति का प्रमाण है।

अध्यक्ष चीना राभा, सचिव लखीकांत राभा और प्रबंध निदेशक मदन राभा ने रंगमंच के प्रति उत्साही लोगों से इस महत्वपूर्ण कार्यक्रम में भाग लेने और स्वर्गीय सुक्राचार्य राभा की विरासत का सम्मान करने का आग्रह किया है, जिनका 2018 में निधन हो गया था।

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