“Heartstrings of Kashmir: Shah Rukh Khan’s Emotional Journey Through Parental Wisdom” Shah Rukh Khan, the iconic Bollywood superstar, often shares captivating anecdotes from his childhood in various interviews, particularly fond...
“Heartstrings of Kashmir: Shah Rukh Khan’s Emotional Journey Through Parental Wisdom” Shah Rukh Khan, the iconic Bollywood superstar, often shares captivating anecdotes from his childhood in various interviews, particularly fond...
“Unleashing Laughter and Chills: Akshay Kumar & Priyadarshan’s Epic Reunion with Iconic Cast in ‘Bhooth Bangla'” Pinkvilla has broken the news that Akshay Kumar and director Priyadarshan are teaming up again after 13...
“Unbreakable Bond: Alia Bhatt’s Powerful Stand Against Trolls to Protect Ranbir Kapoor” In the lively world of Bollywood, power couple Alia Bhatt and Ranbir Kapoor are often in the spotlight, both adored by fans and scrutinized by...
“Unveiling the Opulent Legacy of Amitabh Bachchan: Inside Jalsa’s Iconic Splendor” Amitabh Bachchan’s luxurious residence, Jalsa, located in Mumbai’s Juhu neighborhood, is not just a home but an iconic landmark. The legendary actor...
Film Industry Abductions: Gang Arrested for Kidnapping Actors in UP In a dramatic turn of events, four men have been arrested for the abduction of actor Mushtaq Mohammad Khan from Delhi airport. The gang, with a penchant for targeting film stars...
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