Shah Rukh Khan’s Heartwarming Anecdote About Son AbRam’s Innocent Reaction to “Dilwale” Shah Rukh Khan, one of India’s most beloved superstars, frequently shares delightful stories about his children. Fans...
“Unstoppable Laughter: The Great Indian Kapil Show Season 2 Promises Star-Studded Hilarity” The second season of “The Great Indian Kapil Show” has dropped its highly anticipated trailer, creating a wave of excitement...
“Power Couple Deepika & Ranveer Embrace Parenthood with Heartfelt Privacy” Deepika Padukone and Ranveer Singh, who welcomed their baby girl on September 8, 2024, are likely to adopt a low-profile...
“Masaba Gupta’s Bold Stand Against Colorism: Awaiting Motherhood with Strength and Grace” Masaba Gupta and Satyadeep Misra are eagerly awaiting the arrival of their first child. Masaba, daughter of acclaimed...
“Heartwarming Joy: Bollywood Royals Ranveer Singh and Deepika Padukone Welcome Their Baby Girl!” Bollywood stars Ranveer Singh and Deepika Padukone have welcomed their first child, a baby girl, much to the...
“Selena Gomez Opens Up About Motherhood and Her Inability to Bear Children” Selena Gomez has recently shared personal insights into her journey towards motherhood, revealing a heartfelt and sincere...
“Unyielding Mastery: Ian McKellen’s Chilling Brilliance in ‘The Critic'” In the latest cinematic offering, “The Critic,” revered actor Ian McKellen steps into the shoes of an uncompromising...
“Triumphant Clearance: Kangana Ranaut’s ‘Emergency’ Navigates CBFC Scrutiny to Illuminate History” Kangana Ranaut’s highly anticipated film “Emergency” has received a U/A certificate from the Central Board...
“Electrifying Success: Mirzapur’s Season 3 Frenzy and Future Possibilities” Who isn’t a fan of Mirzapur? Even if some viewers aren’t fond of the series’ violence, the gripping storyline keeps everyone...