“Unforgettable Apologies and Stellar Praises: Vasan Bala’s ‘Jigra’ Sparks Bollywood Excitement” Vasan Bala, director of the upcoming film “Jigra,” has issued a heartfelt apology to fans of...
Harvey Weinstein Undergoes Emergency Heart Surgery in NYC Hollywood producer has been urgently taken to a New York hospital for emergency heart surgery, as reported by his representatives. This news comes amidst his...
“Enchanting Elegance: Aishwarya Rai Bachchan’s Heartwarming Ganesh Chaturthi Celebration with Aaradhya and Brindya Captivates Fans” Aishwarya Rai Bachchan’s recent visit to a GSB Ganesh Pandal in Mumb...
“Untold Turmoil: The Iconic Rajesh Khanna and Anju Mahendru’s Tumultuous Love Story Revealed” The legendary superstar of Indian cinema, Rajesh Khanna, had a complex and turbulent relationship with...
“Star-Studded Realty: Sajid Khan’s Luxurious Juhu Apartment Fetches a Whopping Rs. 6.1 Crore!” Adding to the bustling real estate activities among Bollywood stars, director Sajid Khan has sold his Juhu...
“Unmissable Reunion: Ajay Devgn and Rakul Preet Singh Ignite Screen in ‘De De Pyaar De 2’ with R Madhavan’s Hilarious Twist!” Actors Ajay Devgn and Rakul Preet Singh are all set to reprise...
Anushka Sharma’s Triumphant Return: Fans Ecstatic as Bollywood Queen Graces Mumbai After London Sojourn Anushka Sharma has made a highly anticipated return to Mumbai after several months in London. Arriving early...
Unstoppable Return: Shah Rukh Khan’s Spectacular Comeback in the Thrilling Action Epic ‘King After the monumental success of “Pathaan” and “Jawan,” the King of Bollywood, Shah Rukh Khan, returns to the...
“Navya Naveli Nanda’s Triumph: The Bachchan Heiress Shines at IIM Ahmedabad and Inspires the Nation” The Bachchan family consistently makes headlines, with the focus often on their relationships and...