Amitabh Bachchan’s Estate Plans: The Superstar’s Thoughtful Decisions Bollywood legend Amitabh Bachchan recently opened up about how he plans to distribute his property after his demise, revealing the family-centric...
“Stree 2” Box Office Collection Update: Shraddha Kapoor, Rajkummar Rao’s Horror Comedy Dominates “Stree 2,” featuring the dynamic duo of Shraddha Kapoor and Rajkummar Rao, continues its impressive run at the box office...
Shraddha Kapoor’s Glamorous Move: From ‘Stree 2’ Star to Juhu’s Elite Resident Next to Akshay Kumar! Shraddha Kapoor, the star of the hit film “Stree 2,” is generating buzz not just for her...
Kohrra Set to Return: Season 2 Brings More Mystery and Star Power The multiple award-winning crime drama series, “Kohrra,” is gearing up for a riveting second season. Set against the backdrop of Punjab...
In 2007, Aishwarya Rai Bachchan and Abhishek Bachchan tied the knot, a significant event that happened when Aishwarya was at the pinnacle of her career. The couple’s wedding followed closely after the release of their...
Enchanting Return: Lakhwinder Wadali’s Soulful ‘Chaap Tilak’ Celebrates Pure Love Singer Lakhwinder Wadali is making a poignant return with his latest track, ‘Chaap Tilak,’ set to enchant listeners...
Sonakshi Sinha, renowned Bollywood actress, has put her luxurious Mumbai apartment up for sale, sparking widespread speculation among her fans. The property, located in Bandra’s prestigious 81 Aureate Building, is...
ZEE5 has unveiled its upcoming spy thriller, “Berlin,” directed by Atul Sabharwal, which has already received international acclaim. Set in 1990s New Delhi, this espionage drama explores the lives of three main...
Unbreakable Bond: Priyanka Chopra and Nick Jonas’s Enchanting Love Story and Future Aspirations Priyanka Chopra and Nick Jonas have enjoyed over five blissful years of marriage, a union that fans have avidly...