“Unbreakable Bond: Alia Bhatt’s Powerful Stand Against Trolls to Protect Ranbir Kapoor” In the lively world of Bollywood, power couple Alia Bhatt and Ranbir Kapoor are often in the spotlight, both...
Catastrophe Unleashed: The Tragic Fallout of Negligence at Sandhya Theatre The Hyderabad police have issued a show cause notice to Sandhya Theatre’s management over critical lapses leading to a tragic incident during...
“Unveiling the Opulent Legacy of Amitabh Bachchan: Inside Jalsa’s Iconic Splendor” Amitabh Bachchan’s luxurious residence, Jalsa, located in Mumbai’s Juhu neighborhood, is not just a home but an iconic...
“Enchanting Union: Naga Chaitanya and Sobhita Dhulipala’s Heartfelt Celebration of Love and Heritage” On December 4, actors Naga Chaitanya and Sobhita Dhulipala tied the knot at Annapurna Studios in...
Unstoppable Triumph: Pushpa 2 Shatters Box Office Records Amidst Drama The Allu Arjun and Rashmika Mandanna-led film “Pushpa 2” is making waves with unprecedented box office earnings, capturing the audience’s attention...
Film Industry Abductions: Gang Arrested for Kidnapping Actors in UP In a dramatic turn of events, four men have been arrested for the abduction of actor Mushtaq Mohammad Khan from Delhi airport. The gang, with a...
“Captivating Moments: Jeh Ali Khan Steals the Spotlight at Star-Studded School Event!” It’s always a delight to witness children thriving in their environment, particularly during school’s extracurricular...
गुवाहाटी; 12 दिसंबर, 2024: असम के गोवालपारा जिले के रामपुर में स्थित बाडुंगडुप्पा कलाकेंद्र ‘अंडर द साल ट्री’ थिएटर फेस्टिवल के 15वें संस्करण के साथ अपना रजत जयंती वर्ष मना रहा है। अपने पर्यावरण-अनुकूल लोकाचार और...
Guwahati; December 12, 2024: Badungduppa Kalakendra, located in Rampur, Goalpara district of Assam, is marking its 25th anniversary with the 15th edition of the ‘Under the Sal Tree’ theatre festival. Celebrated for its...