“Heartbreaking Crescendo: AR Rahman and Saira Banu’s Poignant Separation After 29 Years” In a surprising turn of events, renowned music maestro AR Rahman is making headlines due to personal...
On the occasion of the 20th anniversary of Maligaon’s Boripara-based acting and music institute ‘Gandharba’, a two-day second annual ‘Gandharba Drama Festival’ will be held on December 6 and 7, 2024, at the...
“Unforgettable Celebration: Gandharba’s 20th Anniversary Drama Festival Honors Legends and Inspires the Future” On the occasion of the 20th anniversary of Maligaon’s Boripara-based acting and...
“Triumphant Revival: ‘Keyo’ Sparks Hope and Honors Assamese Artistry” The year’s most heartening news came in the form of the film adaptation of Natasurya Phani Sarma’s classic play...
“Unleashing ‘Kanguva’: Suriya’s Epic Fantasy Faces Mixed Reviews but Promises Box Office Resurgence” Suriya’s much-anticipated film “Kanguva,” directed by Siva and co-starring Bobby Deol...
“Shaktimaan’s Bold Critique: Mukesh Khanna’s Fiery Stand Ignites Bollywood Debate!” Mukesh Khanna, widely recognized for his iconic role as Shaktimaan, has recently sparked conversations on...
“Radiant Revelry: Celebrating DeepVeer’s Heartwarming Anniversary and New Beginnings!” Bollywood power couple Ranveer Singh and Deepika Padukone are celebrating their sixth wedding anniversary with joy...
“Unleashing the Power: Ajay Devgn’s Triumphant Return in ‘Singham Again’ Promises Riveting Action and Emotional Depth” Ajay Devgn recently shared his enthusiasm for his upcoming film...