State Water Resources Minister Jayant Patil said on Monday that the AIIMS medical board report ruling out murder angle in the Sushant Singh Rajput case is a “slap” for those who had “defamed” the Maharashtra government over the actor’s death.
It (the AIIMS report) is a slap for those who had defamed the Maharashtra government over the entire episode, said Patil, who is also state president of the NCP, the second largest constituent in the Shiv Sena-led MVA government.
Speaking to reporters, he said the AIIMS report has also proved the Mumbai Police handled the case properly before it was taken over by the CBI and the main objective before the Mumbai Police was to find out who was responsible for the actors suicide and the city cops were probing that angle.
Sushant Singh Rajput (34) was found hanging in his suburban Bandra apartment on June 14 under mysterious circumstances.
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