Salman Khan and Iulia Vantur’s Emotional Tribute to Beloved Toro Salman Khan is mourning the loss of his beloved pet dog, Toro. The sad news was shared by his rumored girlfriend, Iulia Vantur, who posted an...
“Unstoppable Force: Taapsee Pannu’s Inspiring Reign in Female-Led Cinema” Taapsee Pannu has firmly established herself as a prominent figure in female-led cinema, earning the title of the undisputed...
“Epic Showdown: Independence Day Box Office Battle Ignites Excitement with Star-Studded Releases!” Independence Day is widely regarded as a prime time for film releases due to its lucrative potential. This...
“Heroic Efforts Amidst Inferno: Celebrities Rally as LA Wildfire Devastates Homes” The recent Pacific Palisades wildfire has placed Los Angeles residents on high alert, with many, including celebrities...
“Unleashing Power: Taapsee Pannu’s Fierce Return to Action in ‘Gandhari'” Taapsee Pannu continues to solidify her reputation as a versatile actress capable of taking on challenging roles across...
The prestigious Roopkar Awards, established in memory of the distinguished cine-journalist and litterateur Pabitra Kumar Deka, were conferred upon eminent writer-film critic Utpal Datta and renowned actor-filmmaker...
যোৱা ৫ জানুৱাৰীত মহানগৰীৰ পূৱ-শৰণীয়াস্থিত পবিত্ৰ কুমাৰ ডেকা আৰ্কাইভ চৌহদত অনুষ্ঠিত এক অনাড়ম্বৰপূৰ্ণ অনুষ্ঠানত বিশিষ্ট সাংবাদিক, লেখক তথা ৰূপকাৰ আলোচনীৰ প্ৰতিষ্ঠাপক সম্পাদক পবিত্ৰ কুমাৰ ডেকাৰ স্মৃতিত প্ৰদান কৰা...
“Unveiling the Storm: Nayanthara’s Bold Battle for Truth in Tinseltown” Nayanthara: Beyond The Fairytale has become a hot topic, largely due to the controversies surrounding its production. One of the...
“Triumphant Debut: Junaid Khan’s Graceful Rise in Bollywood’s Spotlight” Junaid Khan, son of Bollywood superstar Aamir Khan, made his acting debut in 2024 with the Netflix film “Maharaj,” earning...