Bollywood actor Irrfan Khan passed away on April 29 after a two year long battle with cancer. He was one of the most loved bollywood actor and his last film was ‘Angrezi Medium’, which was a massive hit!
Apart from being an impeccable performer, Irrfan was also a doting husband and father. His son Babil has been sharing unseen pictures and videos of Irrfan from his old days on his Instagram handle regularly.
Meanwhile, an old interview of the actor is going viral where he spoke about his relationship with his sons. In the interview, Irrfan had narrated an incident where he found a love bite on one of his sons’ neck. He revealed that when he confronted about the same, his son said that it was not a love bite but a rash. Soon after the reply, the late actor congratulated him.
Earlier, he also said that they both talk about relationships without any hesitation or embarrassment, even if it is sexual. Every parent finds hard to communicate with their children as they have a mind of their own, he added. He also stated that kids these days are exposed to many things so it’s better to have a friendly relationship with children.
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