In her first media interview since Sushant Singh Rajput’s death, set to air on Thursday, Rhea Chakraborty claimed that during the Europe trip with Sushant last year, the late actor felt claustrophobic in the flight and would take medicines for it. She also claimed that Dr. Harish Shetty had prescribed the medicine Modafinil.
Now, sources claim that Rhea Chakraborty’s statement that Sushant Singh Rajput used to take medicines as prescribed by a doctor for claustrophobia is allegedly false. The sources close to Dr. Harish Shetty, who the actress named in her first interview since Sushant’s death, have confirmed that she is ‘lying’.
“Rhea is lying. He never prescribed the drug Modafinil. Rhea Chakraborty has got a platform to lie. The fact that Harish Shetty is not in the picture has been informed to the Mumbai Police,” the source said.
Apart from her statement on doctor’s prescription, netizens slam Rhea for claiming Sushant suffering from claustrophobia in the flight. Netizens highlighted Sushant’s excitement for the film Chanda Mama Door Ke, which eventually got shelved. Pictures of him visiting NASA, having great excitement for playing an astronaut, and videos of him flying a h=jet, another of him enjoying time in the cockpit, also went viral in reaction to Rhea’s comment.
Ankita Lokhande too took a dig at the comment by sharing a video. She added that Sushant always dreamt of flying and accomplished those dreams.
Sushant’s family too expressed their anger about Rhea being given a platform to term him as ‘bipolar,’ called it a ‘shame’.
Meanwhile, Rhea Cbhakraborty’s father Indrajit Chakraborty was seen along with ED officials for questioning, being snapped at a bank, on Thursday. Also, the Narcotics Control Bureau also registered a case, after ED submitted details of Rhea’s alleged use and purchase of narcotics.
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