“The Lion King”, a remake of the 2D animated movie “The Lion King” (1994), is all set to be released on the 19th of July, 2019 under the Walt Disney Pictures. Directed by Jon (Jonathan) Favreau , the 118 minutes movie is hoping to lure the hearts of millions.
In the plot, King Mufasa was killed in a conspiracy planned by his younger brother, Scar who also tried to kill Simba but failed in the due course of time. Yet he was successful to convince Simba leaves the kingdom forever and takes away the throne. Simba, the Crown Prince collapses in a desert where he was rescued by Timon and Pumba, considered as the outcasts of the forest and grows up with them. A grown-up Simba meets the love of his life, Nala. Nala urges Simba to return to his kingdom and fight for his rights. Here begins Simba’s ultimate battle to take the revenge of his father’s death and take over the throne as ‘the new king of the Pride Land’ of Africa.
The Lion King in its first 24 hours of pre-sales has become the second-best pre-seller of 2019 on Fandango, after Avengers: the Endgame.
In the dubbed version of ‘The Lion King’, it could not have been better than having the King of Romance, ‘Shah Rukh Khan’ to play as Mufasa. But the surprise moment was to hear Aryan Khan as Simba. The audience couldn’t have asked for more other than wait for the real-life father-son duo to play the reel life character.
The star-studded casting was enhanced with Ashish Vidyarthi, the popular villain of Bollywood in the role of Scar, The Lion King’s lead negative character, followed by Shreyas Talpade as Simba’s best Friend Timon and the outstanding actor Sanjay Mishra voicing the character of Pumba. The icing on the cake is the veteran actor, Asrani as the wise red-billed hornbill, Zuzu, the advisor to the King of The Pride Lands.
The response of the critics is considerate with 57% on Rotten Tomatoes and an average of 6.36/10. But of course, the target is yet to be achieved as the fans are eagerly waiting to see the little Simba on-screen.
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