Jyoti Prasad Agarwala – The Rupkonwar of Assamese culture.
Jyoti Prasad Agarwala (17 June 1903 – 17 January 1951) was a noted Indian playwright, songwriter, poet, writer and film maker from Assam. He was considered as Assamese cultural icon, deeply revered for his creative vision and output and is popularly called the Rupkonwar of Assamese culture.
Date Of Birth: 17th January, 1903.
Wife: Late Debyani Agarwala (marriage solemnized in 1936)
Son: Chinmay Agarwala Daughter-in-law: Anjali.
Son: Late Biswendu Agarwala
Daughters: Jaisree (married to Satyabrat Chaliha.), Gyansree (married to Prof. Priyalal Pathak.), Satyasree (married to Anil Das), Hemasree (married to Anal Chaliha), Manasree (married to Jogen Hazarika).
School Education: Tezpur High School, Dibrugarh. Government High School, George School, Dibrugarh. After passing the matriculation Test Examination in 1921 he joined the non co-operation movement. He passed his matriculation examination(2nd Division) from Chitranjan Das University.
College Education: Passed I. A. Second Year from National College of Calcutta.

Foreign stay and Higher Education: Went abroad in September, 1926. Appeared for his graduation from Edinburgh University but could not get through at the first attempt. But in the second time got conditional permission to do his M.A. Initially, he studied Economics, Sanskrit, Public Law and later Philosophy and History Of Economics. But for various reasons, could not complete his higher education. He also studied Film Culture for seven months in Germany. Returned to India in 1930 and on the way back, travelled many countries and gathered a varied lot of experiences.
Contribution in the Freedom Movement: Joined the Non Co-operation movement in 1921. Started working more actively after returning from foreign soil. Sentenced to rigorous imprisonment for fifteen months and was fined 500 rupees in 1932. Despite suffering from Typhoid in the Silchar jail, he completed his period of imprisonment. In 1941 joined the Volunteer Group Of Congress where he rendered selfless service and after a period of time he became it’s leader. He was actively involved in various activities during the freedom movement from various regions of Assam.
In 1942, due to his involvement in the freedom struggle, was declared an absconder by the British Government. Surrendered in 1943 in Tezpur, but was subsequently freed due to lack of evidence. He also made immense contributions in the medium of song-drama-speech during this period.
Contribution in the field of Literature-Music-Drama-and Cinema: At the age of 14 in his student life he wrote the drama “Sonit-Kuwari” and between the age of 14 to 21 he also wrote many short stories. During his lifetime he had written drama, poetry, biography, books on children etc. He also delivered speeches in different functions on subjects like literature, music and culture.
Important Events:
1934 -Constructed “Chitraban Studio” in Bholaguri Tea State temporarily and made the first Assamese movie “Joymati”
1935– “Joymati” was released
1936-37 – Produced jointly with Bishnu Prasad Rabha the record play “Joymati” and “Sonit Kunwari”
1937 – Constructed Jonaki cinema hall in Tezpur.
1939 – Made the second Assamese movie Indra Malati even before the stipulated time.
1940 – Established Tezpur music school. He republished “Asomiya” which was a closed down newspaper since 1944 (for seven months). Was a pioneer in establishing an University in Assam, and also prepared a architectural print for the construction of University.
Maintenance of Tea Gardens: Due to ill health resigned from the post of editor of the newspaper and took the responsibility for maintenance of Tamulbari Tea Garden near Dibrugarh. Tried to give a new dimension to employer-employee relationship. And at the same time he continued his literary and cultural pursuits.
Death: Died at the age of 48 years after suffering from cancer on 17th January, 1951.
Family History: Nabrangram Agarwala (Came to Assam 1811)
First Wife: Saadri
Second Wife: Sonpari
Son: HariBilas, Thanuram, Kaliram. Haribilas Agarwalla (1842-1916), Malama Agarwalla
Son: Bishnuprasad, Chandrakumar, Pramanand, Krishnaprasad, Gopalchandra. Thanuram Agarwalla.
Son: Baneswar, Dineswar, Kageswar, JogeswarKaliram Agarwalla.
Son: Anand Chandra, Kamal Chandra, Dhanendra, Birendra, RajendraBishnu Prasad Agarwalla
Son: Dhirendra Nath, Chandra Kumar Agarwalla
Daughter: Pratima,
Son: Nabin Kumar, Arun Kumar, Tarun KumarGopal Chandra Agarwalla
Son: Debabrata, Satyabrata, Parmananda Agarwalla (Death 1934)
Wife: Kiranmayi (Death 1933)
Son: Jyoti Prasad Agarwalla (1903-51), Late Surya Prasad, Late Kamal Prasad, Bibekananda, Hridayananda
Daughter: Nira Droga, Annapurna Baruah.
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